Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Six Flags - then & now

So as you've probably read in "My Weight Loss Story", the day I decided I had to be pro-active about getting the weight off was when we went to Six Flags. It was a horrible, humiliating day. I was too embarresed to go on any of the rides, the few kiddy rides I went on with my little one was almost laughable looking back at it. If you've been fat and to an amusement park, you know what I am talking about. The tea cups, the little balloons that spin around... the wheel in the middle you are suppose to turn to make you spin... how can you turn the wheel when your stomach is pressed against it??

Well, here I am, at goal, two years after my weight loss surgery, at Six Flags! OMGoodness! I actually had fun! I felt great! Plenty of room in the kiddie rides for me! I had plenty of energy, I could've walked around that place all day! (Notice my over-use of the exclamation point?!!)

So here are the pics of me, then & now. What a difference! It's funny how still, two years later, I am still finding things that make me so grateful for having had WLS.



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