Thursday, May 14, 2009

Be Mindful

I eat all kinds of things. Some things still do not interest me in this post-op life, but I eat. I eat oatmeal & blueberries, eggs, bacon, sandwiches, chili, chicken, chips, cheese, crackers & PIZZA!! I love it all and I don't feel bad (most of the time) when I eat something that is typically tabu post-op. I keep it in check. I eat pizza about once a week and I know it's not going to make me regain all my weight. The difference is that now I have 1 slice of pizza rather than the 4 or 5 I had pre-op.

I think there is a big misconception about food and eating post-op. I don't think it's emotionally healthy to think in terms of never being able to eat certain foods again. I feel that as long as the food has some nutritional value, then go for it! I don't think it's emotionally healthy to say,"I'm being bad." I honestly think that if you get a craving for something you should eat it. I think if you crave a cookie you should eat a cookie. If you are craving pizza, you should have a slice. To tell yourself you CAN'T have something only makes you want it more and I think you are more likely to fall off the wagon completely. The key is to eat it mindfully. Make the mindful choice to eat it and then eat it and think about it while you are eating it. Do not eat mindlessly. Commit to it. If you do this, it will be worth it.

I'm not perfect. I've had regrets and eaten mindlessly while on this journey. But I know that now I make more healthy choices than not. I'm mindful 99% of the time in my food choices. So my suggestion for you all to try this week: Be mindful in the food choices you make this week. Think about what you are putting in your mouth before you put it in and be aware of it while you are eating it. Stop what you are doing. Think about each bite you take and pay attention to the taste and the feelings you are having while you are chewing it.



Anonymous said...

I agree with this so much. When I was healthy and dieting/exercising/major calorie counting, i still saved room a little bit of dessert everyday. I still indulged in a slice of pizza (actually 2) or a small burger once and a while. It's totally about portion control and being mindful. I am glad it's worked for you in your journey as it did work for me too. I doubt i'l be mindful though when I'm in vegas this weekend and in the buffet line-ups.

Anonymous said...

The corollary of that rule, of course, is "never waste calories on mediocre food". If you decide to splurge on that cookie, and it's not an amazing, breathtaking cookie? Toss it. Don't finish it. Don't have clean-plate compulsion. Don't fret over the money you spent on the cookie. Just toss it. Never waste calories on mediocre food.

Jess 916 said...

I agree, Puppie. I was actually thinking that while typing out this entry and now realize I left that part out. I don't do it often, but when I have craved something with empty calories, not only do I throw it out, but I spit it out. If it's not what I expected in that first bite, there is no sense in finishing it.